
TicTacToe Solver


TicTacToe is a paper-and-pencil game for two players, X and O, who take turns marking the spaces in a 3×3 grid. The player who succeeds in placing three of their marks in a diagonal, horizontal, or vertical row is the winner. It is a solved game with a forced draw assuming best play from both players. This project was written in java.


I wrote this TicTacToe game in Java using the JFrame class. The GUI is pretty basic and their really isn’t any advanced learning that the computer is doing. I didn’t really understand anything about constructors or OOP when writing this, that is why most of the code is in the constructer. Definetly not my best work.

  public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {

          int chosen_square = 0;

          if (game_over == 0) {

          mousex = e.getX();
          mousey = e.getY();
          if (mousey >= 250) {
              chosen_square +=6;
          else if (mousey >= 150) {
              chosen_square +=3;

          if (mousex >= 250) {
              chosen_square +=2;
          else if (mousex >= 150) {
              chosen_square +=1;
          squares[chosen_square] = current_player;

       if (((squares[0] == current_player) && (squares[1] == current_player) && (squares[2] == current_player)) ||
          ((squares[3] == current_player) && (squares[4] == current_player) && (squares[5] == current_player)) ||
          ((squares[6] == current_player) && (squares[7] == current_player) && (squares[8] == current_player)) ||
          ((squares[0] == current_player) && (squares[3] == current_player) && (squares[6] == current_player)) ||
          ((squares[1] == current_player) && (squares[4] == current_player) && (squares[7] == current_player)) ||
          ((squares[2] == current_player) && (squares[5] == current_player) && (squares[8] == current_player)) ||
          ((squares[0] == current_player) && (squares[4] == current_player) && (squares[8] == current_player)) ||
          ((squares[2] == current_player) && (squares[4] == current_player) && (squares[6] == current_player))){
          game_over = 1;



This project was my first ever attempt at using java. Due to this, the code was very sloppy and in wierd places. I was used to writing in python, where their are no classes or object. Definetly not the best I could have done. 

You can find my code here